Core Values
The following core values represent HVNA’s deeply held beliefs. They help guide and motivate our policy positions.
Below each core value is a description, along with links to source materials.
Community Engagement
Engage through information, outreach, events, and participation. Work with people, be thoughtful and positive about managing change. Move forward with pragmatism and integrity.
Housing For All
Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of themselves and of their families. We work with the San Francisco Planning Department to ensure affordable housing is built in Hayes Valley, through initiatives like the Market & Octavia Area Plan, and by partnering with organizations like RescueSF.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Know and meet the needs of the people who live here. Repair harm done by local policy decisions that have created, upheld, or exacerbated racial disparities within Hayes Valley. Facilitate public engagement and restorative justice processes.
Racial Equity Committee
SF Human Rights Commission
Livable Streets and Sustainable Transportation
Vision Zero: Eliminate all traffic-related deaths through education, enforcement, and road infrastructure redesign.
SFMTA: Vision Zero SF
SFCTA: Vision Zero
Transit First: Prioritize movement of people and goods with a focus on transit, walking, and biking instead of private automobiles.
SFMTA: Transit-First Policy
SFCTA: Transit-First Policy
Arts is essential to daily life
Invest in a vibrant arts community, enliven the urban environment, and shape innovative cultural policy.
San Francisco Arts Commission: Mission + Values
Clean San Francisco
Keeping our city clean is up to all of us.
Public Safety
Improve public safety by collaborating with police. Support alternatives to SFPD including the Street Crisis Response Team, Street Violence Intervention Program, and Community Ambassadors.