Come learn about San Francisco’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee
Juell Stewart will give a talk covering SF’s newly-formed African American Reparations Advisory Committee, including:
- Legislation that formed the committee
- Committee meeting structure, members, and timeline
- Connections to Hayes Valley
- Q&A/discussion
About the African American Reparations Advisory Committee
From the SF Board of Supervisors Ordinance:
The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to advise the Board of Supervisors, Mayor, the Human Rights Commission, and the public on the development of a San Francisco Reparations Plan that:
- Chronicles the legacy of American chattel slavery, post-Civil War government-sanctioned discrimination against African Americans, and ongoing institutional discrimination that has prevented the enslaved and their descendants from fully benefiting from the growth of the U.S. economy, with an emphasis on systemic, City-sanctioned discrimination that has adversely impacted the lives of Black San Franciscans;
- Determines the scope of and eligibility for a citywide reparations program and the means of disbursing reparations in order to make whole those who have been wronged or who continue to suffer harm from past wrongs, to close racial wealth gaps, and to address ongoing discrimination, anti-Black prejudice, and inequities;
- Improves education, housing, workforce development, economic opportunities, financial stability, small businesses, transit access, and food security, while reducing violence, health disparities, and over-criminalization, experienced by Black people; and
- Examines current and historic structural discrimination within the City and County of San Francisco and proposes institutional reforms to guard against the need for future redress.
About the speaker
Juell Stewart is an urban strategist and researcher based in San Francisco, California. She is currently a Program Manager at the Dream Keeper Initiative, associated with the San Francisco Human Rights Commission. Juell also staffs the SF HRC’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee.
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