Hear from local campaigns on the upcoming SF propositions. Click here to register.
Propositions that will be covered (Yes/No sides):
Prop D: Affordable Homes Now
Prod E: Homes for Families & Workers
Prop H: Voter Participation Act (Yes)
Prop I: Vehicles on JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park and the Great Highway (No)
Prop J: Keeping JFK Promenade car-free (HVNA endorsed this) (Yes)
Prop L: Reauthorize existing tax on transportation improvements (Yes)
Prop M: Empty Homes Tax (Yes and No)
Prop N: Golden Gate Park underground parking garage (Yes)
Full details on SF propositions: https://sfelections.sfgov.org/measures
Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwof-ChqD4uHdbjAaZmfQ3SRAw6tuB0qU4y
Proposition endorsement matrix: https://sig.gy/sfendorsements/