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217th** Annual Hayes Valley Pet Parade
Bring your pet (and yourself!) in your best Halloween costume for fun and parade and prizes!
We had a blast last year and prizes were awarded in every CATegory imaginable! Best in show, Best Hot Dog, Best Cupcake, Cutest Cat, Most Ferocious… and More!
* 11-11:30 Register your pet at the Pup Tent and get a number for the parade
* 11:30-12 Start lining up to parade around the park, get styling tips from @SFWALKIES
* 12-12:30. PARADE and Costume Review with Judges from Muttville, HVAW @obabso and @Sfwalkies Janet and Todd
* 12:30 2:12:30. PARADE and Costume Review with Judges from Muttville, HVAW @obabso and @Sfwalkies Janet and Todd
Donation $5-10 requested. We encourage donations to support @Muttville and @hvaw.hayesvalleyartworks
Produced by Hayes Valley Art Walks in association with @SFWalkies, @obabso, @thegateguysf @hvnasf
Please share your photos and use hashtag. #hayesvalleypetparade
Stay tuned for more details!