Supervisor Vallie Brown will open our meeting, as she knows how our community is frustrated about the City’s response to homelessness issues in Hayes Valley.
Join us for an exploration of Prop C; a homelessness issue (on the November ballot). We’ll present pros and cons on this current issue for our community. Come to understand both sides and learn to make your own informed decision in November.
In addition, we will have SFPD to answer enforcement issues regarding homelessness. This issue of enforcement is complex, and a humane response to enforcement concerns is important as our neighborhood struggles with this topic. We will summarize important info learned from earlier Public Safety meetings, available for your own information.
Note: HVNA has had two Public Safety community meetings in August with Dept of Homelessness and Supervisor Brown and again in September, with Dept of Homelessness, Dept of Public Health, Public Works, SFPD, and Supervisor Brown’s aide Shakira Smiley in attendance. These meetings were well attended.
Read more about Prop C here.