The developer of 555 Fulton St market rate condos has announced it has signed a letter of intent with New Seasons Market grocery store. Based in Portland, Oregon, this small chain of grocery stores see themselves as community minded, especially because of its B-corporation status. This special B-corporation designation originated in the UK, and was adopted in the US about 10 years ago. Bi-Rite is also a B-corporation.
A representative of New Seasons Market was to introduce the company at the Dec 10th HVNA membership/community meeting, but that representative is sick and has had to cancel. HVNA vice president Gail Baugh will discuss this company and ask neighbors for their input.
It is hoped that neighbors interested in affordable food for our neighborhood will be there Dec 10th. You voice will be heard.
Check out the recent post on Hoodline if you are curious about the new market coming to 555 Fulton!
For further details and to join the discussion, drop by our community meeting tomorrow!