The 2012 Metropolitan Transportation Commission High School Summer Internship Program is now open and accepting student applications online. Approximately 35 internships will be available throughout the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. The pay rate is $10.25 per hour. Each internship will last up to a maximum of 250 hours. Students may work full-time or part-time, for up to 10 weeks, between June 26 and August 31, 2012.
The purpose of the program is to:
promote interest in transportation as a potential career;
help students understand the role of transportation agencies in the community, county and region;
provide skill-building and enrichment opportunities during all phases of the program; and
provide assistance to our partner transportation agencies.
Interested tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students are invited to apply now.
Complete online application.
Attach a page that describes in your own words a transportation probĀlem in your community and explains what you think could be done to resolve the matter.
Also attach one letter of recommendation from a teacher, principal, counselor, religious leader or employer (two letters are required if GPA is below 2.8).
Program requirements and information:
Listing of the internship opportunities and application form:
Deadline for students to apply: March 8, 2012