Panhandle bicycle access

The SFMTA is seeking to improve bicycle access between the Panhandle bike path and the “Wiggle” by providing bikeways on Fell Street and/or Oak Street between Scott and Baker that are physically separated from motor vehicle traffic by a buffer space or vertical element. Similar bikeways were installed on Market Street in 2010, and the SFMTA has received positive feedback on the level of comfort that the bikeways provide. Many cyclists currently use the Panhandle bike path and the “Wiggle” bike route, yet the connection between these two routes is insufficient in many peoples’ minds because the existing bike lane on Fell St does not feel comfortable for many cyclists and there is no bikeway on Oak St.

Given the right-of-way constraints on both Oak and Fell Streets, accommodating a wide bikeway and buffer space would require that changes be made to existing parking and/or travel lanes. At this point, the SFMTA has brainstormed a few conceptual design ideas that could be applied to either Oak St or Fell Street or both, depending on the feedback received from the community:

–Remove one travel lane to accommodate a separated bikeway
–Remove parking on one side of the street to accommodate a separated bikeway
–Create a part-time travel lane to accommodate a separated bikeway. Such a part-time travel lane would operate similar to other “tow-away lanes” that are common throughout San Francisco where parking is allowed except for during peak hours.
–Remove one travel lane to accommodate a two-way separated bikeway on either Oak or Fell St.
–Remove parking on one side of the street to accommodate a two-way separated bikeway on either Oak or Fell St.

As a first step in the planning process, the SFMTA is reaching out to community groups in the project area to solicit initial feedback on these conceptual design ideas and to gather questions and concerns. Feedback received from local residents and businesses will help the SFMTA refine these conceptual ideas and analyze their potential impact. The SFMTA will then host a public meeting on September 13th at 6:30pm at the San Francisco Day School (350 Masonic Ave) to discuss this project in more detail.

Please submit questions or comments to Luis Montoya at the SFMTA (, or 701-4376). The SFMTA hopes that you will join us at the community meeting on September 13th. We will be advertising this meeting through a variety of communication channels, but we appreciate you additionally sharing this information with anyone who may be interested.