You may have seen a few parking spaces around San Francisco that have been transformed into a miniature gathering space for people to eat, lounge and talk. These miniature parks are referred to as “Parklets.” The Parklet installations are a partnership between businesses and The San Francisco Great
Streets Project.
Three Parklets currently exist in San Francisco. They are located on Divisidero Street near Grove Street (hosted by Mojo Bicycle Cafe), 22nd Street at Bartlett (hosted by Cafe Revolution, Escape from NY Pizza and Lolo), and Columbus Avenue near Green Street (hosted by Caffe Greco).
In September, the San Francisco Planning Department posted a request for proposals for new Parklets. The applications were filed by October 18th. The planning department received almost forty permit applications
during that one month period. The planning department is still processing these applications, but after the applications are reviewed and some Parklets are granted, the planning department intends to release another request for proposals. The Parklets need to be hosted by an organization.
The organizations that can host a Parklet include Community Benefit Districts (CBDs), storefront business owners, non-profit institution/community organizations and possibly another type of applicant reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
If you are interested in hosting a Parklet, please visit the Great Streets Projects website where they have lots of information and resources to aid you through the application process: