Jim Donahue, a resident of Hayes Valley, has lived in the neighborhood for twenty years. Photograph is one of his hobbies and he thinks of his photographs as snapshots capturing moments that are beautiful. He took the above photographs around the neighborhood. Henry Ostendorf, an active board member of the HVNA, says, “Jim captures these great images and he’s a lovely piano player, too.” The Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association would like to know what you, our neighbors, are up to. If you take photographs around the neighborhood, or have a musical event coming up in the area, let us know. We would like to collect more images, photographs, or graphics from that we can use in future publications or on the website. We are always seeking to know about upcoming events in the community. We would also like to hear about and see images from successful events that happened in the neighborhood. Please share your events, ideas and neighbor profiles with us. If you have an idea for an article in the Voice or on this blog, email us at: voice@hvnatransfer2.wpengine.com.