By Richard Johnson
Like many I don’t have much money these days. Yet, here comes the holiday season, just the same. Wouldn’t it be great if we could put the stress of shopping aside and take the time to gather together and celebrate as a neighborhood?
That is why Community Partners United (CPU), founded in 2002, was created. Our mission is to provide community events, throughout the year, that bring neighbors together to foster a safe and caring community. In keeping with our tradition, I extend an invitation to participate in our 9th Annual Fostering a Safe and Caring Holiday Season 2010. For eight years CPU, of which HVNA is a founding member, has been hosting community gatherings around the neighborhood to bolster our connections, to strengthen our ties, and really, just to have a reason to hang out together! What could be more important during these uncertain times than to come together, young and old, weak and strong and support each other? There are several holiday events, which we host annually, scheduled from October through December around the neighborhood and you and your family are cordially invited to attend each one.
Scheduled upcoming activities (see calendar listing on back page and visit our calendar at for more details):
• Friday, October 29 – Sunday, October 31: Safe Halloween activities kick off our 9th Annual Fostering Season.
• Saturday, November 20: is our annual Giving Voice to the Season Thanksgiving Event
• Friday December 3: Giving Voice to the Season “Music in the Green and Community Mixer”
• Friday December 3: Participate in the Hayes Valley Merchants Block Party on
• Saturday December 11, 2010: Wreath and Card Making Event
• Thursday, December 16 and Friday, 17: Food Give Away to over 250 families
• Saturday, December 18: Community Luncheon We provide the food, fun, entertainment and venue. All you have to do is show up and have a great time.
We look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming events!