Heather Donnell, Hayes Valley resident and local independent filmmaker, proudly presented her latest short film, OMAKASE, for the AgeSong community on Saturday afternoon, September 18th.
Donnell was grateful to AgeSong who loaned her the audition room and rehearsal space for the film. In addition, AgeSong gave her permission to shoot a very romantic scene on their rooftop balcony. Donnell said, “Elke Tekin at AgeSong is very supportive of the arts and she’s really interested in keeping AgeSong a part of the community around it. I was excited to give back to AgeSong who had been so generous to us.”
Larry Kitagawa and Suilma Rodriquez, two of the lead actors in the film, attended the screening and gladly answered questions. AgeSong residents asked questions about how the film was created and about the actors’ lives. Phyllis Kind, a resident at Agesong who attended the screening, said, “The film is exquisite!”