Event Information:

  • Fri

    Bethel Food Bank

    8:30am-1pmBethel AME Church on Golden Gate at Laguna

    Every Friday 8:30am - 1pm. Click here to volunteer!

    SF/Marin Food Bank is held on Friday mornings, from about 8:30 until 1pm.

    Location: Bethel AME Church on Golden Gate at Laguna. Enter through the garage entrance from Golden Gate; we set everything up in their empty garage.

    From 8:30 to 10:30 or 11, we receive pallets of fresh vegetables & fruit and pantry items from a big SF/Marin food bank truck. Then we pack these into 1 or 2 big bags.

    The food bank clients come in at 11 to pick up their already packed food bags.

    We often have some extra bags, so we can give these to people who have signed up but who haven’t yet received their Food Bank ID cards.

    We have a wonderful group of dedicated volunteers, but we can always use extra help, especially when some go on vacation!