Update on Hayes Valley Safe Sleeping Site Petition

Hello Neighbors, I hope this email finds you well during these uncertain times. I’d like to share an update regarding HVNA’s efforts to address the safety of our streets while also helping our homeless neighbors. I’d also like to clear … Read More

President’s Message

It’s time to renew your membership and we’re counting on you now more than ever. This February, the outgoing and incoming HVNA board members met for our bi-annual retreat to discuss the pillars of the HVNA mission. Inclusiveness and equity … Read More

President’s Message

It’s a new year…2019. We have many promises and challenges in the coming year. As I said after the 2016 election, act locally, and your efforts will be felt. I’m in my last few months as HVNA’s president. Serving for … Read More

President’s Letter

Act locally in 2018. HVNA hopes to inspire you to meet like-minded neighbors and find purpose to contribute to our community. While the political landscape evolves on all levels, your local actions will have impact. You’ll be receiving a snail … Read More

November/December President’s Column

It’s been an eventful year…to put it mildly. I hope we continue to rethink the meaning of what is “right.” We have been exploring the meaning of truth, justice, and moral behavior, as we watch events unfold both here and … Read More

February/March 2017 President’s Column

A new start to the new year! Now is the time to take action in your local community. HVNA just emerged from a membership and community retreat, and the organization has created new resolve to do more good work for … Read More

October/November 2016 President’s Column

…for the greater good. I was in Boston when writing this column, and as the vast number of issues and candidates come before us during this coming election, I’m reminded of our shared heritage as Americans and residents of our … Read More