Connecting pedestrians, bicyclists, and critters to the City’s green spaces

Connecting pedestrians, bicyclists, and critters to the City’s green spaces:
Join the Planning Department for the Kick Off Event

Wednesday February 15th
5:30 to 7:30 PM
LGBT Community Center, Rainbow Room
1800 Market Street, San Francisco

Green Connections will increase access to parks, open space and the waterfront, by re-envisioning City streets and paths as ‘green connectors’. This project builds on current efforts to create sustainable corridors that enhance mobility, green neighborhood streets, and improve pedestrian and bicycle access to community amenities and recreational opportunities. Green Connections will result in a Citywide network of green streets that can be built over time, improving pedestrian and bicycle access to parks, open space and the waterfront.

In the first year of the project, the focus will be to map a citywide network. The second year will build on this framework to design a green connection in the following six neighborhoods: Bayview-Hunters Point, Chinatown, Potero Hill, The Tenderloin, Visitaction Valley and The Western Addition.

Green Connections is a collaborative effort between the San Francisco Planning Department, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, San Francisco Department of Public Health and the Mayor’s Office of Housing. The City agencies have partnered with three community based organizations: San Francisco Parks Alliance, WalkSF and Nature in the City.

The project team will host many public events to engage communities in developing Green Connections.

To learn more:

Visit the project website
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