Hayes Valley Pet Parade

Registration form: http://qrco.de/PetParade2023

Bring your pet (and yourself!) in your best Halloween costume for fun and parade and prizes!
The annual Hayes Valley Pet Parade is back!  This year we are again raising funds for Muttville at our annual costume contest.  Please be sure to register in advance.


Pets and animals (or their humans) must register on our registration google form to get a number. Donations to Muttville (suggested $10, any amount is OK) at the link below. Registration DEADLINE is 6 pm the day before the parade (6 pm on 10/28). Check-in in person to get  up your number at the event starting at noon 10/29.

More info:

Prize Categories

  • Best Overall Costume
  • Best Funny Costume
  • Best Scary Costume
  • Best Trick
  • Best Group Effort
  • Best Tiny Dog


Proceeds will be donated to MUTTVILLE SENIOR DOG RESCUE. Donations can also be made to Hayes Valley Art Works at the link below and at the event!  Muttville judges Craig Hermes and guest judges will be choosing the winning costumes!!!

  • 12-1 Register your pet at the Pup Tent and get a number for the parade. Check out Pup Photo Tent and other fun and games
  • 1 Line up in number order up to parade around the park, and do a twirl (or a trick!) and get a treat at the Judging Circle
  • 1-2 PARADE and Costume Review with Judges from Muttville, HVAW @obabso and @Sfwalkies Janet and Todd
  • 2-3 – Prizes, Photos and Fun!

Donation suggested: $5-10 requested but not required.

Sponsored and produced by Hayes Valley Art Walks @hvaw.hayesvalleyartworks & @SFWalkies, in association with @obabso, @thegateguysf

Benefitting Muttville SF. Please share your photos and use hashtag:  #hayesvalleypetparade

Stay tuned for more details!

**224th Annual counted in Dog Years

#petparade #halloween  #halloweenpets  #muttville #muttville