HVNA Community Meeting

Agenda: Art in Hayes Valley!

Meet those who continue to support art in our community!

  1. The new San Francisco Unified School District’s Art Center, at 135 Van Ness Avenue, between Hayes and Fell St. The School of the Arts High School is coming to this Center as well as support for education through the arts for all SF public schools.

Meet Donn Harris, Executive Director for Creativity and the Arts, SFUSD and Chair, California Arts Council.

  1. The Hayes Valley Art Works, a volunteer group of neighbors and local artists who are organizing the temporary art activation at two empty parcels of land on Octavia Blvd between Oak and Pages Streets.

Meet our site managers, and support our local artists and neighbors.

  1. Haight Street Art Center on Haight Street between Laguna and Buchanan Streets

Meet Peter McQuaid, who has supported our local artists and now welcomes us all to his new art center. Meet legendary poster artist Stanley Maus who will conduct monthly figure drawing classes, and other great art-related activities.