Financials (previous years)
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HVNA is committed to transparency. Asking members for yearly dues comes with a responsibility to report where that money goes.
2021/2022 Budget
Balance Sheet
Revenue Statement
1Hayes Valley maintains a checking and savings account with some monies earmarked for a specific purpose such as the Freeway Revolt/Memorial and ACE.
2HVNA had one outstanding check related to expenses incurred by the safety committee.
3HVNA collects annual dues from members including individuals, dual memberships, businesses, and non-profits. Members may also elect to become a sponsor or benefactor.
4HVNA received a grant from the Civic Center Benefactor District for Shared Streets and a grant from Hayes Valley Merchants Association for performers at the Holiday Block Party. These grants helped to offset expenses incurred in note 15 and note 9, respectively.
5HVNA has monthly technology expenses for a password manager, Google, WordPress website, and Zoom. There are annual expenses for Google Domains and gravity forms which assists with PayPal integration on the HVNA website.
6Insurance covers HVNA general liability and Directors & Officers Insurance.
7HVNA holds a California business tax licenses to operate as a 501c4 organization.
8HVNA incurred supplies and postage expenses for membership notices and general administration.
9HVNA supported the holiday block party and Hayes Valley Carnival.
10HVNA donated to Collective Impact.
11HVNA held a membership drive and membership appreciation events.
12HVNA safety committee incurred printing costs.
13HVNA greening committee supplied food / beverages to volunteers and purchased general supplies.
14HVNA participated in the Light a Life lighting project which supports lighting up areas of the neighborhood.
15HVNA incurred expenses for replacement barricades and other improvements for Shared Streets.
2021/2022 Budget (Partial)
Financial report for partial fiscal year September 2021 through January 2022.
2020/2021 Budget
Financial report for the fiscal year September 2020 through August 2021.
2019/2020 Budget
Financial report for the fiscal year September 2019 through August 2020.
Budget non-affecting
These projects have money coming in and going out for a specific purpose, accounting is kept separate from the regular budget.
Special Funds
1One time legal expense due to a membership communications dispute.
2Insurance covers HVNA general liability and Directors & Officers Insurance.
3HVNA carries the Bigbelly contract, sponsoring merchants reimburse HVNA. Contract is set to expire March 2021.
4HVNA received donations and grants to fund the event, including entertainment, posters, and lighting.
5Projected is less than partial due to this item going over budget, but HV Merchants offset the costs.