By Bob Barnwell
On September 13th, the Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association, led by the Public Safety Committee, hosted a celebration to pay tribute to our quiet summer in Hayes Valley and the Western Addition.
We honored members of the community, from community workers to police officers to members of the city family, who helped put together an excellent suite of summer youth activities.
Over forty Certificates of Honor, Certificates of Appreciation and Certificates of Recognition were awarded by the Mayor’s Office, Board of Supervisors, State Senate, and the Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association to commemorate our “Summer Safety Success.” Twelve officers from the Northern Police Station were honored for their work in the Housing and Foot Beat units. We saw a 23% drop in violent crime this summer. Let’s build on this for another great summer in 2011.
To accompany the celebration, some Hayes Valley restaurants provided a delicious buffet, which was enjoyed by the many people who worked hard to make this a safe summer. We want to thank Suppenküche, Caffė Delle Stellė, La Boulange de Hayes, Sauce, Marino, Flippers, Terra Bakery and Café, and the Korean American Center for providing the great food.
Our next meeting will be Monday, November 1, at 7:00 PM at the Korean American Center at 745 Buchanan. We will discuss the holiday safety issues that we will face in November and December. Join us, speak up, and get answers to your questions.