Message to the Hayes Valley Community from Karen Mauney-Brodek, HVNA President
I am deeply saddened and distraught by the events of the last week in our neighborhood. We have provided links below to some of the news coverage of both the tragic shooting and murder on Monday and the traffic-related death on Thursday. The Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association board, other local community groups and partners are working with the Supervisor’s Office, the police department and others to try to determine what has contributed to these tragic events and what we as concerned community members can do to make our neighborhood safe for all who live and travel though it. I encourage you to attend our next neighborhood association meeting on July 28th, Thursday at 7pm at the Korean American Center located at 745 Buchanan Street. We will discuss both events. The neighborhood association takes events like these extremely seriously and both our safety committee and planning and transportation committee will be addressing the issues that may have contributed.
Our hearts go out to all of the victims and their families and all of our community members.
Please see the links below for information and a tip line.
If you have any information on the shooting, call SFPD’s anonymous tip line at(415) 885-5187 or text a tip to 847411 with “SFPD” as the subject.