Please sign the HVNA’s petition to the San Francisco Planning Commission, which requests a continuance be issued to allow for further discussion regarding the existing formula retail ban at 555 Fulton.
This project lies within the long fought Market and Octavia Better Neighborhoods Plan Area and the Hayes-Gough Neighborhood Commercial Transit District (NCT) in which formula retail development is prohibited.
The original project sponsor, The Trust for the Children of Henry Wong, respected and accepted the Hayes-Gough Neighborhood Commercial Transit District (NCT) formula retail ban as a critical piece of preserving the character of the neighborhood while still allowing for affordable groceries and accommodating new growth, which is also consistent with the Market and Octavia Plan.
The current sponsor purchased the development rights with the formula retail ban in place.
The Market and Octavia Citizen’s Advisory Committee and the Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association Board of Directors unanimously resolved to oppose a proposed legislative amendment that rescinds the ban on formula retail at 555 Fulton Street.
In a Letter of Determination by San Francisco Planning Staff member Kevin Guy, dated September 6, 2012, it is determined that “the Planning Code does not allow a formula retail use (including a grocery store that meets the definition of a formula retail use) on the subject property.
A continuance will allow the project sponsor more time to resolve the conflict with the neighbors who will be most affected, community organizations, the SF Planning Department and the District 5 Supervisor.